Species Genome GFF CDS Protein
Chrysanthemum morifolium (Cmo) FASTA GFF FASTA FASTA
Chrysanthemum nankingense (Cn_A) FASTA GFF FASTA FASTA
Chrysanthemum nankingense (Cn_AB) FASTA GFF FASTA FASTA
Chrysanthemum seticuspe (CsGojo) FASTA GFF FASTA FASTA
Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium FASTA GFF FASTA FASTA
Chrysanthemum makinoi FASTA GFF FASTA FASTA
Chrysanthemum indicum FASTA GFF FASTA FASTA
Species Cite
Chrysanthemum morifolium (Cmo)
Chrysanthemum nankingense (Cn_A)
Chrysanthemum nankingense (Cn_AB)
Song, A., Su, J., Wang, H. et al. Analyses of a chromosome-scale genome assembly reveal the origin and evolution of cultivated chrysanthemum. Nat Commun 14, 2021 (2023).
Chrysanthemum seticuspe (CsGojo) Nakano M, Hirakawa H, Fukai E, et al. A chromosome-level genome sequence of Chrysanthemum seticuspe, a model species for hexaploid cultivated chrysanthemum. Communications biology, 2021, 4(1): 1167.
Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium Wen X, Li J, Wang L, et al. The Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium genome and the molecular mechanism underlying diverse capitulum types. Horticulture Research, 2022, 9: uhab022.
Chrysanthemum makinoi van Lieshout N, van Kaauwen M, Kodde L, et al. De novo whole-genome assembly of Chrysanthemum makinoi, a key wild chrysanthemum. G3, 2022, 12(1): jkab358.
Chrysanthemum indicum Deng Y, Yang P, Zhang Q, et al. Genomic insights into the evolution of flavonoid biosynthesis and O-methyltransferase and glucosyltransferase in Chrysanthemum indicum. Cell Reports, 2024, 43(2).
NCBI accession
TreatmentNCBI accession
Ethephon treatmentPRJNA796762
Cold treatmentPRJNA481579
Melatonin treatmentPRJNA732569
Puccinia horiana inoculationPRJNA797165